Monday, November 30, 2009

"Fragile! Must be Italian."

Is it wrong to just forget about shopping for Christmas/Hanukkah and just buy yourself what you want?  I think that would be a lot easier and logical instead of receiving yet another pair of slippers you'll never wear or a duster (thanks, mom).  I'm a poser, anyway.  I only like the holiday for the spirit, which brings me to my next case:

Behold, exhibit A:

Using other peoples property to make yourself happy.
I'm not buying a tree.  I'm not buying a Hanukkah bush.  I'm not climbing on a ladder and hanging boring blue and white lights - that's where you come in.  You're the one who's going to be keeping these supplies in your attic for the next year.  You buy, I'll play.

Exhibit B:

Using other peoples property to make yourself happy.
Yes, same headline, different context.  Sometimes I need a change of scenery.  I'll make that happen in your home that way I don't have to rearrange mine back when we're done.  Win/win.

This year was fun.  Mike and I have a mini-tradition where we hang our respective Florida stockings and call it a day, but this year he felt like he wanted to splurge and get a tree.  Win!  Mike did most of the dirty work when he traveled to approximately 4 different Home Depots, bought his faux tree and his desired white tree lights and some how packed it in/on the Accord.  I'm assuming it wasn't that difficult being it probably came in a box. 

I saw the bat signal Saturday night.  "Do you want to come with me to Wal-Mart and get some decorations for the tree?"  Abso-friggen-lutely, right after a Starbuck's pitstop.  After running over some palm tree leaves and almost falling up Mike's stairs (twice), we departed for the ever-so-yuppie WalMart off of Three Islands Boulevard.  We purchased shatter-proof ornaments which proved their durability a few times throughout the evening, picked out a pretty sweet star that lights up and one strand of white snowflake garland.  After driving around Hollywood Circle at least 4 times, we found a parking spot and walked over to Pizza Rustica which was quite delicious, then made our way back to casa de Mike so that he could supervise me while I decorated his tree.

Zero beers and 25 minutes later, she was finished.  Then another 25 minutes and an extension cord later, Mike got the star working.  I'm pretty pleased, overall.  I know nothing of decorating and Mike found pizza and football.

Maybe Pleo will fit under it?

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Heavens - Leave


The night is falling, thank God
I hear the calling of the skeletons under the sod
The skeletons under the sod

The day is dying, big smile
Pose through the camera, a giant step for your kind
One of a kind

Don't leave just yet
Quiet on the set
Let's give this one more go
Make ourselves ill, poppin' sugar pills
Will swallow nice and slow

Don't leave just yet
We've just had a wreck
I'll need your name and phone
And water for these slow-dying trees
Where gardens used to grow

The sky is falling, straight down
It's come to crush us and leave us in our blood to drown
Barely making sound
The streets are painted so still
Can hear the breathing, the making sense of the spill
Enough to make you wanna kill

Don't leave just yet
Quiet on the set
Let's give this one more go
And make ourselves ill poppin' sugar pills
Will swallow nice and slow

Don't leave just yet
We've just had a wreck
I'll need your name and phone
And water for these slow-dying trees
Where gardens used to grow

Don't leave just yet
Quiet on the set
Let's give this one more go
And make ourselves ill poppin' sugar pills
Will swallow nice and slow

Don't leave just yet
We've just had a wreck
I'll need your name and phone
And water for these slow-dying trees
Where gardens used to grow

Monday, November 23, 2009

I swear I'm Not Drunk, Occifer!

I'm going to give some background even though I don't feel like I have to or that I should. From the end of 2005 until the beginning of 2009 I seemed to have had a strange fascination with men who wear uniforms and carry guns. Hi, I'm Lee and I'm a cop-a-holic. 

Fast forward: a few horrible "relationships" and numerous pleas from family and friends later, I decided to leave that life behind me. OKAY! One minor relapse in June and July (he was wicked hot). Yeah, chalk it up to childhood issues, whatever. No more cops. I get it. Apparently everyone else except me knew that officers have poor track records when it comes to commitment and faithfulness. The only commitment they have is the one to serve. Of course, being a woman, I thought maybe I could change that in at least one of them, but to no avail.

Admittedly, I still look when I see a cruiser and rate an officers good-looks (or lackthereof) when they have someone pulled over on the side of the road. And even today I got excited when I saw a cruiser parked illegally in the fire lane as I was walking into the grocery store. I figured it was a cop stopping really quickly to grab snacks before work as he was close to his jurisdiction. I was hoping to come across him to see how hot he may or may not be and I did - as he was walking down the aisle with a rather unattractive girl. This guy is easily a 7.

Lee's reaction:
 "What the hell is wrong with this girl? Doesn't she know how this is gonna end?!"

Am I genuinely concerned for this poor girls feelings? Am I jealous that she may have found the only decent cop in South Florida? More importantly, what the heck do I care?! I know I'm better off. 

I need to meet a hot doctor. Or a garbage man, whomever's more faithful.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Be Kind, Don't Rewind

Is it wrong to compare going back in life to going back in a book? Flipping the pages back and thinking the words may have changed, or watching a movie over and over expecting a different ending? I used to go back - stop the DVD at a certain part and replay it, but of course, the ending was always the same. Sure, there are certain films that contain alternate endings, but those are few and far in between and most people hate the alternate endings, anyway.

I've decided I'm not going back. The endings are the way they are for a reason. The past isn't the present for a reason. "What if's" are called just that for a reason. They're fun to think about, but that's where it should be left. I'm comfortable with that idea for the first time in a long time.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Adventures of A&A: Baby Blues

"A day in the life of a girl and her wife."

Allie: so, i kinda feel bad for my future daughter
Allie: her initials will be PBJ
Allie: bc if i'm carrying her for 9 months then i am damn well making her middle name Butterfly
Alicia: whats p?
Alicia: penelope?
Allie: yes
Allie: I also like Adelaide Grace
Alicia: why are you doing this [to the poor child]?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

PSA: I'm Friggin' TIRED!

“I’ll do it tomorrow” is such a popular phrase in my world. Whether it’s to practice for class, hang out with some friends or go out somewhere, tomorrow always seems like the better day. I'll be the first to admit that I have a streak of laziness but I'm tired of making excuses as to why I'm not the typical 25 year old running around downtown.

I just don't have the energy. I don't feel well.

That's the way it is. Don't question me, call me names or make me feel like a hermit loser. I'm not antisocial (I actually love being with my friends), I just simply don't have the energy. I'm tired, my joints hurt, my jaw hurts and I don't want to move!

In a related note, that's also exactly why I don't like to make plans. For those who I'm in touch with regularly, you'll often hear "we'll see how I feel." It's not a scapegoat. Sometimes I really do just

I love you.